The question I started with here was: Which team has had the best first basemen over its history? So, with the help of, I decided to try to answer that question.
First of all, two caveats in this “study.” One is that I wasn’t interested so much in a collection of names as a collective contribution. In other words, I’m not going to highly rank a team like the Mets that has had a lot of Hall-of-Famers – when they were past their prime. I’m more interested in production than name recognition.
Secondly, I decided to weigh my rankings to give some credit to expansion franchises. The Giants and Cardinals have a lot of great players in their histories, but that’s partly because they’ve been around for 100-plus seasons. So a franchise’s age is taken into account when looking at a list of players.
So who had the best first basemen of all time? Here’s my own personal Top 10, in reverse order. Note that the players listed under each team are just some of the highlights in team history.